I have a problem with that statement. The problem is that it limits God and myself. A better question would be “how do I connect with God?” That is a much more expansive statement.
Historically, I would hear about the Voice of God, or The Small Still Voice. Those are about hearing. I am not saying that is bad, but that there is more.
Sometimes I see God. When I look in people, when I see things in nature, it is clear that God is there. When I look past the face and the clothes and the masks and the pain, I see the beautiful soul inside a person. When I see a totem creature sent to me as a message, that is God communicating with me. Seeing and acknowledging, is me communicating back.
When I feel Love or Joy, for no apparent reason, that is God expressing through me. When I do something for another person, and feel the Joy of Giving, that is God.
When I am doing Reiki, and my hands, almost of their own accord, move to a new position, sometimes one I was not expecting, that is God moving through me. When I am at a Drumming, and I feel the vibrations of the drums moving though me, and I start moving and dancing in response, that is God.
One day when I was driving, I had a thought that I might take a different route. I did not listed to that thought, went my normal route, and drove by a riot and was filled with fear. That was God speaking to me, offering an easier way. So sometimes God is in my very thoughts.
I used to think that each person, including myself, had one primary way to connect with God. But even that is limiting. God is all around me, around us, and I need to know that God has no limits in the ways to be in my life.